Szerző: CBuzas | febr 22, 2021 | Bookkeeping
They might give the customer a friendly phone call reminder or send them a statement with a reminder, but most business owners won’t take any further collection action at this point. Aging makes it easier for companies to recognize probable cases of bad debt, stay on...
Szerző: CBuzas | febr 17, 2021 | Cryptocurrency exchange
A very neat feature, Binance provides a peer-to-peer (P2P) trading service, which connects buyers and sellers of cryptocurrency directly. This facilitates fiat payments, with a wide variety of payment options that depend on the users’...
Szerző: CBuzas | febr 15, 2021 | Blog
Állatitetem-kezelés az előírások maximális betartásával, hatékonyan, gyorsan, környezetkímélően – szerezze be tőlünk tetemégető berendezését! Ha állattenyésztéssel foglalkozik, akkor nyilván Ön is tisztában van vele, hogy az állomány egy bizonyos százalékát...
Szerző: CBuzas | febr 5, 2021 | Bookkeeping
We start from the premise that when a ratio has high values the expected market returns should be low, and vice-versa. The dividend yield is another measure commonly used to gauge a stock’s potential return. A stock with a dividend yield of 4% and possible...
Szerző: CBuzas | febr 2, 2021 | Sober living
We also examine the types of headache alcohol can trigger and the types of alcohol likely to cause more headaches. There are a variety of compounds in alcohol that can cause post-alcohol related headaches. These chemicals include tryptamines, flavonoids,...
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